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Newest entry details wild berry picking in Washington
The outdoors fits into everyone’s life in unique and personal ways, and we here at WDFW want to foster connections with and appreciation of nature and all forms of outdoor recreation through our Life Outdoors resources.
To that end, we’re posting a new informative blog each month on a wide variety of topics to help you and your loved ones find new and exciting ways to get out there.
Delicate thimbleberries resemble raspberries at first glance, but differences appear after closer examination. (Adobe stock image)
Oregon grape lends itself to being mixed with other berry jellies. (Adobe stock image)
Salmonberries are among the first wild berries to ripen. (Adobe stock image)
This month’s edition focuses on wild berry picking in our state. We share information on the most common berry species people pick in Washington to help you get started or maybe get introduced to a new species to forage.
Read on for more on how you can enjoy these delicious summertime treats with family and friends whether you’re picking and eating right off the plant, baking them into your favorite treats, or trying a new jelly recipe.
For more blog posts, the Weekender Report of monthly recreational opportunities in your area, links to state and federal lands to explore, and how to share photos of your adventures with us, visit the Life Outdoors webpage:
We hope to see you in the field and on the water enjoying the Life Outdoors!